The Yukon Pharmacists Association (YPA) is a voluntary association of Yukon Pharmacists.
The YPA mandate is to promote the profession of pharmacists in the Yukon and represent pharmacists’ interests.
The YPA supports quality, patient-centered pharmacy services and encourages collaborative healthcare and interdisciplinary work.
The YPA representatives sit on various territorial advisory committees to improve Yukoners' health. The association also facilitates local continuing education events for pharmacists and other healthcare providers to increase their knowledge and capacity in delivering optimal treatments to their patients.
The YPA is a not-for-profit organization and is non-regulatory. The regulatory authority for Yukon Pharmacists is the Professional Licensing & Regulatory Affairs Branch of the Yukon Community Services Department.
September 2019
Your pharmacist can now adapt and extend your prescriptions. In the past, when your pharmacist identified a need to change your prescription, they had to contact the original prescriber for authorization before making the change. Now, pharmacists can adapt prescriptions and notify the prescriber afterwards.
Read the Information Sheet or talk to your pharmacist to learn more!
May 2019
The Yukon Pharmacists Association is pleased to announce the approval of the new Pharmacists Regulations under the Health Professions Act. The new regulations will allow pharmacists to increase their scope of services to Yukoners. Amongst the changes, notably, pharmacists will be able to extend prescription refills to avoid treatment interruptions. Pharmacists will be able to adapt or alter prescriptions to ensure the dose or formulation of a medication is optimal for the patient. Pharmacists will also be authorized to administer medications such as vaccines.
This new regulations will allow Yukon Pharmacists to utilize their extensive training to decrease the burden on our health care system and provide better care to the community. The new regulations will come into effect August 1st 2019. More details can be found here and on our Facebook page! Also check out the Media section of our website for news coverage!
The YPA would like to acknowledge the extensive volunteer work of pharmacists Josianne Gauthier, Joanne Gibson and Tracee Vickerman. They worked closely with the Yukon Government Community Services Department for the last 5 years. Without their tremendous contribution of their professional expertise in reviewing the legislation, this new regulations wouldn't have come to light.
March 2019
Every March we join in celebrating Pharmacist Awareness Month and the vital role pharmacists play in the health care team. As the most accessible health care professionals we strive to bridge gaps in care and provide advice when our patients need it most.
Pharmacists are not only medication experts but a wealth of knowledge in many aspects of health care. We are always striving to provide better services and to strengthen our communities. The Yukon Pharmacists Association has been working tirelessly to update current legislation that would expand pharmacist scope of practice. This would help provide Yukoners with the services most Canadians already receive.
Please join us in supporting your local pharmacists and #RethinkPharmacists. Follow us on Facebook for more details!
September 2018
We are excited to announce the official launch of Chooosing Wisely Yukon - led by the Yukon Medical Association with the participation of the Yukon Pharmacists Association! See how the Yukon is engaging clinicians and patients in conversations about unnecessary tests and treatments: https://yukondoctors.ca/choosing-wisely
March 2018
Each March Pharmacist Awareness Month (PAM) celebrates the contributions that pharmacists make to our health care system and helps educate Canadians about the health care services and advice their pharmacists are now delivering. CPhA is celebrating PAM 2018 with the theme: Think Pharmacists.
Pharmacists across Canada have had a widely expanded scope of practice over the past decade that has them doing more for their patients than ever before. Yukon Pharmacists are looking forward to legislation changes to enable them to work with an expanded scope of practice. We want to celebrate the great strides the profession has made, highlight the health care services now offered in pharmacies in Canada, and encourage Yukoners to Think Pharmacists this March.
For more information, visit our Facebook page or visit the Canadian Pharmacists Association’s website.
October 2017
The Yukon Pharmacists Association is proud to take part in Canadian Patient Safety Week. CPSW’s theme this year is Take With Questions, the 5 Questions that every patient should ask About Your Medications.
Learn more about the 5 life-saving questions you need to be asking your healthcare specialists by following #asklistentalk on Twitter and find out what others are sharing.
Find out more about the Take With Questions campaign at www.asklistentalk.ca.
August 2017
The Yukon Pharmacists Association is proud to support the Drug Free Kids (DFK) Canada campaign. DFK’s mission is to inform and educate parents on the dangers of teen drug use. Considering the recent announcement by the Federal government to legalize and regulate the sale of cannabis for recreational use, DFK is taking the lead in educating the public about this substance and the risks for teens of early consumption.
DFK's new campaign is targeting parents and inviting them to download or order a brochure to learn the facts about cannabis but most importantly, how to talk to their kids about cannabis. The booklet titled “Cannabis Talk Kit – How to talk with your teen” was developed by DFK with the support of the Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction (CCSA) and Health Canada. Visit the Drug Free Kids Canada website or watch this video.
May 2017
The Yukon Pharmacists Association is pleased that the Yukon Government has launched public consultation on the revised pharmacists regulations.
From April 21 to July 21, 2017, the Government of Yukon is seeking public feedback on the draft regulation for pharmacists, draft standards of practice for pharmacists and rural permit holders, and a draft code of ethics.
Read more: http://www.gov.yk.ca/news/17-073.html
Contact us if you have any questions or concerns.
April 2017
The Yukon Pharmacists Association is pleased to announce that we are now officially an Organizational Affiliate of the Canadian Pharmacists Association (CPhA). CPhA is the national voice for pharmacists across Canada, and we are very excited to be partnering with an association that has such a solid reputation in promoting our profession. For more details, go to Membership.